Universita degli studi di Catania

UniCT has now 18 Departments and 2 Didactic Units that, additionally to the traditional assignments of scientific research, are in charge of the organization and management of educational activities. This complex reorganization process is currently in progress. Nowadays, UniCT hosts more than 43,000 students (6,433 enrolled in 2016/2017; 6,745 graduated). The University buildings are spread throughout the city, with a contrast between the modern, hi-tech « University City », and numerous historical buildings in the old city centre. Excellent departments, schools and support services are offered throughout all of the University sites: Catania, Ragusa and Siracusa. With its about 2,300 human resources (331 Full Professor, 422 Associate Professor, 375 Researches, 960 Non Academic-Staff, 305 Non Academic-Staff (fixed-term contracts)), UniCT offers a quality education and is a leader at regional, national and international level. In particular, UniCT offers 44 Undergraduate 1° Level Courses; 7 One-cycle Courses; 49 Undergraduate 2° Level Courses; 17 Ph.D. Courses; 23 Master; 3 Advanced training courses; 9 Graduate Schools; 29 Medical Schools.