In this Output, we develop a curriculum which aims at educating teachers in using outdoor mathematics, creating their own math trails tasks and evaluating their colleagues tasks. Learn more about it!
Aim of the Course
On this page, we summarize the target group, necessary material and the content of the curriculum’s modules.
Material for the Course
Download a set of slides that can be used for a MathCityMap or MathCityMap@home teacher training.
Short-Term Curriculum in Estonia
Dates: October 16th and October 30th
Location: Tallinn University (Day 1) and Online (Day 2)
Contact: Andrus Rinde
Short-Term Curriculum in France
More information will follow soon!
Short-Term Curriculum in Germany
Dates: September 24th and October 18th
Location: Goethe University Frankfurt (Day 1) and Online (Day 2)
Contact: Simon Barlovits & Simone Jablonski
Short-Term Curriculum in Italy
Event A – Sicily
Dates: September 23rd and October 6th or 8th (to be decided)
Location: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Catania (Day 1) and Online (Day 2)
Contact: Eugenia Taranto & Maria Flavia Mammana
Event B – Lombardy
Dates: September 22nd or 23rd (to be decided) and October 6th or 8th (to be decided)
Location: Higher Secondary Schools “I.I.S. Castelli” (Via A. Cantore, 9) -Brescia (Day 1) and Online (Day 2)
Contact: Eugenia Taranto & Maria Flavia Mammana
Event C – Piedmont
Dates: September 23rd and October 6th or 8th (to be decided)
Location: Higher Secondary Schools “Liceo Statale De amicis” (Corso Brunet, 12) – Cuneo (Day 1) and Online (Day 2)
Contact: Eugenia Taranto & Maria Flavia Mammana
Event D – Piedmont
Dates: September 24th and October 6th or 8th (to be decided)
Location: Higher Secondary Schools “Liceo Scientifico P. Gobetti” (Via Maria Vittoria, 39 bis) – Torino (Day 1) and Online (Day 2)
Contact: Eugenia Taranto & Maria Flavia Mammana
Short-Term Curriculum in Portugal
Dates: October 16th and November 6th
Location: Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Contact: Ana Barbosa & Isabel Vale
Short-Term Curriculum in Spain
Dates: October 2nd and October 21st
Location: Santander, Gijón or Extremadura (Day 1) and Online (Day 2)
Contact: Claudia Lázaro